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Writer's pictureKimberlie Krieg

Women's Rights Cameroon

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

UNWOMEN Cameroon: The New Strategic Notes 2022-2026

Photo: UN Photo/Ivo Tanku Tapang

The country’s political, economic, and social environment is conducive to gender equality and women's empowerment. Cameroon signed most international and regional conventions and treaties on the protection and promotion of women's rights. Efforts were visible for a better consideration of gender issues in the recently adopted 2020-2030 National Development Strategy. The new 2022-2026 UNSCDF was adopted in September 2021 with Gender mainstreamed throughout and a stand-alone Gender Outcome.

Cameroon is a Lower Middle-Income economy considered as a driver in Central Africa. The HDI value for 2019 stands at 0.563 - placing the country in the category "Average human development" and the 153rd rank out of 189 countries. Cameroon has a Gender Inequality Index value of 0.560, ranking it 141 out of 162 countries in the 2019 index. The country is facing three simultaneous complex and protracted crises, namely the attacks by Boko Haram in the Far North region, the flow of refugees from the crisis in Central African Republic and a socio-political crisis in the North-West and South-West Regions plus C19. These crises triggered large-scale displacement that affected nine out of Cameroon's ten regions.

Following the adoption of the new UNSDCF 2022-2026, the agency is implementing its new Strategic Notes 2022-2026 with four priorities identified above and contributes to the achievement of four outcomes stemming from the Cooperation Framework for sustainable development with Cameroon (UNSDCF):

- OUTCOME 2.1/UNSCDF: By 2026, more people, by age group, especially the most vulnerable, including refugees and IDPs, use quality basic social services equitably and sustainably to realize their full human potential and enhance their social and economic well-being.

- OUTCOME 2.2 /UNSDCF: By 2026, gaps in key socio-economic indicators are reduced, reflecting greater gender equality and progress in the empowerment of youth, women and girls, and other vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts.

- OUTCOME 3 /UNSDCF: By 2026, youth, women, the most vulnerable groups, and people living with disabilities, including refugees and IDPs actively contribute to the efficiency of policies and the performance of public institutions at national, regional and council levels, and fully enjoy their rights

- OUTCOME4: Gender statistics, sex-disaggregated data and knowledge are produced, analyzed, and used to inform policymaking, advocacy and accountability for delivering gender equality and women's empowerment results.

These interventions areas are framed by the Leave No one Behind principle, adopting a human rights-based approach and focusing on the most marginalized and vulnerable, addressing root causes through a comprehensive approach and building a strong partnership with national stakeholders especially with Government and CSOs.

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